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  • Marmalades: Useful and harmful properties. Proper storage

Marmalades: Useful and harmful properties. Proper storage

Marmalades are very tasty natural sweets. It is easy to make them, besides they do not contain harmful chemical additives, especially if they are home – made. 
However, marmalades are sweet. This arises the question whether they are more beneficial or harmful for the human organism. 

Useful and harmful properties 

The useful properties are

Marmalades are good for the immune system.  Vitamin Е preserves in marmalades and promote the immune system.   

Marmalades raise the mood. Like all other sweets, it contains serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Serotonin activates different parts of the brain, which creates a feeling of happiness. 

Marmalades contain vitamins. Of course, not all the vitamins preserve in marmalades. Nevertheless, they are certain very important vitamins that preserve and play an essential role for the organism, such as vitamin E, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin С), vitamins В1, В2 and РР.

Marmalades are good for metabolism. They are quite useful, except when the person has diabetes or obesity.  

Marmalades with fruit stones are more useful.  Fruit stones not only give special taste to marmalades, but also are even more useful.  This is why, in preparing marmalades it is more advisable to leave the stones. 

Harmful properties are

Marmalades are high in calories. It is, of course, harmful for our organisms. The total amount of calories depends on the amount of sugar used in marmalades. 100 g of sugar contains 370 kcal. 

Marmalades have harmful effect on teeth. Sugar remains in teeth, which can cause bacteria. As a result, the tooth enamel may be injured. 

Marmalades are not recommended if you have diabetes, obesity, stomach ulcer, allergies or caries. 

Proper storage of marmalades 

Marmalades are advisable to keep in glass containers with a sealed iron cover. Well-prepared and hermetically sealed marmalades can be stored for 1-2 years. If you have left the fruit stones, it should not be stored for more than a year as the stones contain special substances that can become toxicous as a result of long storage.