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Eating habits to avoid viruses and strengthen your immune system

Viruses have become real enemies for people, disrupting lifestyle, deteriorating health and causing stressful situations. Is there any proven way to put an end to viruses and keep on a normal life? In fact,  there are many ways to maintain and strengthen our health.

Perhaps, the most important way to stay healthy and strengthen your immune system is to eat healthy food. To eat properly, you need to first identify the most beneficial products and apply them to your daily diet. The key to being healthy is to eat delicious and useful.

Here are some tips to add useful products to your diet:

Citrus fruits - Our body needs a daily supply of Vitamin C. It should be kept in mind that this vitamin is not stored in the body, so citrus fruits must be included in the daily diet.

Bell pepper is rich in beta carotene. Although citrus fruits are considered a rich source of vitamin C, red pepper is actually twice as rich in vitamin C. It is also very useful for the skin.

Garlic is considered a must have for your health. Early civilizations have found garlic as a useful vegetable. It contains a large amount of sulfur compounds that strengthen the immune system. Garlic also has the ability to regulate blood pressure.

Spinach is certainly rich in vitamin C, but it is not its only advantage. It contains high amounts of antioxidants and beta carotene. Spinach completely preserves its useful properties if it is half cooked.

Almonds contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is extremely important for the formation of a strong immune system. 40 - 45 grain almonds provide a vitamin E day supply.

Poultry, especially chicken and turkey, are rich in vitamin B6, which is responsible for a number of chemical reactions in the body. Poultry also contributes to the formation of red blood cells.

Sunflower seeds are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B6.

Proper nutrition is the key to health. One should not focus on one or more specific nutrients, but try to make the diet varied. Insert natural juices, jams, compotes, vegetable purees into your daily diet to stay healthy and live a full life. And all these useful and ecologically pure assortments are presented by “Sipan-Samhar” company specialized in the production of compotes and canned food.