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  • Types of containers for canned products

Types of containers for canned products
It is known that canned food is in great demand and has gained a huge popularity, especially in Armenia. Various containers are used for canning. Canned food containers must have the following characteristics:hermeticity, durability, corrosion resistance.
Thus, canned food containers have the following types:

Glass storage containers
are in a great demand as canned fruits and vegetables are stored in such containers (jars, bottles, cans). Glass storage containers also have an attractive appearance due to the glass transparency, consumers become more objectively and realistically acquainted with the quality of the product when purchasing it. Glass storage containers also have the following advantages:
    • The main advantage is that glass storage containers are environmentally safe;
    • They can be used for a long time;
    • They can be used for a long time;
    • Glass storage containers make it possible to display the packaged product;
    • They are economical: One container can be used many times.

Glass storage containers have a wide variety of shapes and capacities. It all depends on the type of canned food. The most common types of glass storage containers are jars, bottles and cans, which are commonly used for packaging fruit and berry products.

Glass storage containers

Metal storage containers,
especially aluminum jars, are in a huge demand today. Metal storage containers reliably protect the product from mechanical stress and oxidation. Aluminum jars, as one of the most used types of metal containers, are used for packaging juices, tomato paste, jam, honey, fruits, vegetable puree and other products. The metal container must be hermetically sealed, the surface must not have dents, rust stains, the lids and bottoms of the metal container must be concave or flat.One of the main advantages of metal containers is that this type of container is not subject to temperature changes, however, unlike glass containers, metal containers are subject to internal and external corrosion.

The advantages of metal containers are:
    • high thermal conductivity;
    • lightness,
    • longevity,
    • universality,
    • Long storage period.
Metal storage containers

Plastic containers.
In the canning industry, in addition to metal-glass containers, plastic containers are also widely used, each year playing a more important role and gaining popularity in the canning industry. These containers are used for packaging products that do not require sterilization. Plastic containers do not require special preparation before canning.
There are two types of plastic containers: soft and semi-soft, in which juices, sauces, ready meals are packed.

The advantages of plastic containers are indeed obvious:
    • Lightness.
    • There are no design restrictions and limits.
    • Easy utilization.

Plastic containers